Warriors and Kings: The 1500-Year Battle for Celtic Britain – An Interview with Martin Wall

We sit down with Martin Wall, author of Warriors and Kings: The 1500-Year Battle for Celtic Britain, to discuss his recent publication, the motivation behind it and more.

‘West: Tales of the Lost Lands’ review in Country Life Magazine

Martin Wall came west for work. Rescued from the ‘ghetto’ of a Nottingham tower block, the would-be author’s new role with psychiatric emergency services in Worcestershire placed him in the Clent Hills.

10 things you (probably) didn’t know about the Anglo-Saxons

The Anglo-Saxon period lasted from the early fifth century AD to 1066 – after the Romans and before the Normans. But how much do you know about the Anglo-Saxons? Who were they, where did they settle and what religions did they follow? Here, Martin Wall brings you the facts…

Book Excerpt: Warriors and Kings The 1500-Year Battle For Celtic Britain by Martin Wall

For those of you looking for something Celtic to read this spring, author Martin Wall brings us Warriors and Kings: The 1500-Year Battle for Celtic Britain. For centuries, the Celtic peoples of Britain stood fast against invasion, oppression and war. Theirs is a fascinating and exciting story which birthed some of the most tenacious and heroic leaders in history: from Caractacus and Boudicca, to William Wallace, Owain Glyndwr and the legendary King Arthur.

The Celts: unpicking the mystery

Swathed in myths and legends, the Celts – far from being a singular mass of ‘barbarians’ – were made up of diverse, distinct groups who battled numerous threats, from the Romans to the Normans.

Here, historian Martin Wall unpicks who the Celtic peoples were and introduces some of the key individuals who led the battle for Celtic Britain…

Anglo-Saxon England was no Dark Age but a Medieval “Wild West”

Martin Wall, author of The Anglo-Saxon Age: The Birth of England and new book The Anglo-Saxons in 100 Facts reveals why everything we thought we knew about the “Dark Ages” is almost certainly wrong. In fact we know a hell of a lot about this incredible vibrant period in British history…